We are really getting excited about pursuing an adoption. We have really felt like it is time to get serious about things and know that one way to keep track of our actions and thoughts during this process is by writing a blog. I will admit that I am not the biggest blogging person. I would rather just talk with someone face to face but I know that many people like knowing what has been happening in your life without have to feel like they are being nosy. Hence, a blog.

We are currently active with LDSFS for our adoption. Jason and I are also filling out applications with some private agencies as well. Ethan is now 5 and we think it is time for us to expand our family. This blog and website will be a constant work in progress. My goal is to try and post a new entry at least twice a week.

Please leave any comments that you might have (or even if you just want to say hi!). I would like to know that people are reading what I am writing as well as looking at our pages. Anyway, off to add more pages especially since I now have a new external hard drive (which makes it so much easier to work on this blog since I can be more mobile).
Start blogging by creating a new post. You can edit or delete me by clicking under the comments. You can also customize your sidebar by dragging in elements from the top bar.